Latest Past Events

Kiwi Kids Bike Race

For all kids from under 5 to 13 years to help build skills and confidence on bikes. Venue: to be confirmed Please check:


Pakaitore Funathlon

Pakaitore Whanganui

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: • The event is age restricted to 13 years and up. All teams are to consist of a Kaumatua (50+), Pākeke (49 – 26), Rangatahi (25 – 18 & Tamariki (17 – 13) • ‘Pakaitore Rocks’ will be held on the marae for our tamariki 12 years and under • All teams will […]

Frocks on Bikes

Out on your best frock, suit or fancy dress and join in the fun as you head off on a treasure hunt around town. This year includes a family friendly rout! Bikes, scooters, skates wheelchairs welcome. Let's Go!