
Let’s Go is about making walking, cycling and scootering a popular and safe travel choice for the people of Whanganui.

It is a collaboration with the New Plymouth District Council and involves key community organisations in Whanganui to provide the community with infrastructure, opportunities and information required to allow a wide range of active transport choices.

Our goals are:

  1. Reverse the declining trend in the last three censuses of cycling as a mode of transport.
  2. Increase the percentage of people cycling to work from 3.1% (2015) to 3.9% by the next census in 2018.
  3. Increase the number of cyclists entering the CBD by 30% by 2019 using Whanganui CBD monitoring cordon count stations.
  4. Improve safety for active transport modes and increase perception of safety for cyclists in Whanganui.

How do we know if we are successful?

By the end of 2019 we are aiming to have:

  • Completed the Urban Cycleway Programme (UCP) projects.
  • Worked collaboratively across community organisations to provide a minimum of 3000 students with scooter and cyclist skill training.
  • Implemented the Bikes in Schools Programme to a minimum of six schools in Whanganui.
  • Encouraged all schools in Whanganui to implement active travel plans, with a minimum of ten schools engaged in the programme.
  • Provided workplace travel planning to four organisations or businesses in Whanganui.
  • Undertaken a minimum of four minor improvement safety projects relating to workplace or school travel planning.

Lets Go Whanganui

History of Let’s Go

In 2009 the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) undertook a competitive national selection process to choose two cities to become model communities to develop cycling and walking initiatives. The aim was to change travel behaviour through improved transport choices. New Plymouth and Hastings were selected as model communities and received significant government funding over the following few years.

The New Plymouth District Council developed the Let’s Go branding in 2010 to encourage active transport in the community. The Let’s Go programme was considered a success and won multiple national awards.

Following the achievements of the model communities, the government invested heavily in active transport funding in 2015 through the Urban Cycling Programme (UCP) fund. The Whanganui District Council received approval to undertake $3.3M worth of works to improve active transport in the District.

Due to the success of the Let’s Go branding, and the desire to work in regional collaboration, in 2016 the Whanganui District Council partnered with the New Plymouth District Council and agreed to share the Let’s Go brand and philosophy throughout the area.